Monday, May 19, 2008

Dumb as I wanna be...

Sometimes Mickey Kaus makes steam come out of my ears. He's got a classic contrarian's case of asinine solipsist syndrome (figure out the hidden acronym if you want!), mistaking originality for truth and pseudo-intellectual browbeating for intelligent scrutiny. Another frequent Slate contributor, Christopher Hitchens, suffers from the same affliction, though exhibits slightly different symptoms.

On Saturday, Kaus decided that the mainstream media wasn't doing enough to bring the following Obama "gaffe," regarding his poor prospects in tomorrow's Kentucky primary contest, to light:

"What it says is that I'm not very well known in that part of the country," Obama said. "Sen. Clinton, I think, is much better known, coming from a nearby state of Arkansas. So it's not surprising that she would have an advantage in some of those states in the middle.*"

*His boldface, not mine.

Can you imagine being sincerely concerned about this? Does Kaus really feel like wiling away his years on earth by advocating the media make a BIGGER deal out of this kind of meaningless crap?

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